The best way to extend the service life of your head
For the most part, getting a car serviced is a given. We think this should also be the case for your Log Max head, which is why we created a logbook that is included with every head purchase. It helps you take the best care of your head. And how does avoiding standstills, creating a high resale value and ensuring a head with a long service life sound?
Simplifying effective service
When you buy a Log Max head, you also get:
- our specially designed service tools
- a logbook
- a manual that includes maintenance and troubleshooting guides
- a spare parts catalogue
If you are missing any documentation, we have gathered it all here on our website.
Downloadable documents

It is important that it works
Service is one of the cornerstones of the Log Max harvester head design.
To enable you as a customer to easily maintain your head, we have easily accessed lubrication points, hood locks that can be opened with one hand and a simple head design. We understand that things have to be simple and easily accessed if you as a user are to be given the best opportunities to take care of your head.

“We’re very careful to set the exact right pressure, as the measurement results are completely dependent on how hard the head holds the tree.”
-Erik Wiik, 4000T operator
We have prepared a maintenance schedule for all Log Max heads that you can find in the head manuals. It covers everything from daily maintenance to the 1,000-hour service. We then recommend that you buy our small and large service kits for the 2,000-hour and 4,000-hour services, respectively.
Small service kit
We recommend that you use the small service kit after 2,000 hours.
It includes service accessories for the measuring unit, such as new measuring wheel tracks and an upper delimbing knife spring, and ensures the continued functionality of all components.
- Avoid standstills
- Create a high resale value
- Improved measurement results
Available from dealers

Large service kit
We recommend that you use the large service kit after 4,000 hours.
It includes service accessories for the entire head, such as bushings, accumulators, measuring wheel tracks and an upper delimbing knife spring, and ensures a good overall service of the entire head.
- Ensure functionality
- Avoid standstills
- Create a high resale value
- Increase reliability
Available from dealers

Field repair kit -
your friend in need
Everything you need to avoid interruptions